The 1st 3rd Birthday
I always thought it would be the 1st Birthdays that would pull at my mama heart strings at the thought of my little reaching the milestone that is One Year Old. I’ve survived two 1st Birthdays and though emotional in the sense that we made it to year 1, it was my 1st baby’s 3rd Birthday that made me most emotional.
The 3rd birthday felt like the end of an era and the beginning of what will soon be a school age little girl. My firstborn will start preschool in August and my heart may just break a little when that day arrives. They say those years will flash before your eyes, but never did I think that in a blink of an eye, my girl would be 3. She is fearless, she is bold, she is passionate. She knows exactly what she wants and has a heart for people like no other. She pours out joy and carries sass on her sleeves. She is Isabella Aveline. She will be a force in this world and I am filled with excitement at the thought of the things she will bring forth.
While in my womb, I prayed over this child I had yet to meet. I spoke to her each day as I ran my fingers over what was then a baby bump. I prayed she would have the Lord’s heart for people, that she would be filled with the joy of the spirit and that she would be brave and bring change to this world . She is all I prayed for and more than I could have ever imagined. She always leaves me in awe. She never meets a stranger and greets everyone with a loud “Hi!’ and the biggest smile on her face. The joy and innocence of a child is a hard one to fight with. Im always amazed at how she touches people spirits by the aura she carries. It’s the Jesus in her heart and she spreads it like confetti. Proud isn’t a big enough word to describe what I feel for her.
I am so thankful I was chosen as her mama and for every moment spent with her . She is definitely my little princess and therefore got the Peppa Pig wonderland she wanted …naturally, I just couldn’t say no.
Happy Birthday my sweetest angel. May it be everything and more. I’d give you the world sweet love.